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Citations : 16585

Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy received 16585 citations as per google scholar report

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Investigation of the central and peripheral analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity of Draksharishta an Indian Ayurvedic formulation

Author(s): Ashraf-ul Kabir, Mehdi Bin Samad, Ninadh Malrina D'Costa, Juardar Mohammad Hannan

Rationale: Draksharishta (DRK) is an Ayurvedic formulation approved by the “National formulary of Ayurvedic Medicine 2011”, of Bangladesh. It is widely available in the Bangladeshi market as an effective preparation to treat lumbago, sciatia and arthritic pain of joints. But there are very scientif?ic evidences available to support their common uses. Objectives: Our present studies make an attempt toward identifying probable antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effect and its mechanisms of DRK. Findings: DRK, at three doses, (10 mL/kg, 20 mL/kg, and 40 mL/kg) showed no involvement of the CNS in antinociceptive activity of the test drug. Both Carrageenaninduced paw edema and acetic acid writhing tests gave signif?icant results (P < 0.05), indicating possible peripheral analgesic and anti-inf?lammatory action. Formalin-induced paw- licking test showed that DRK had signif?icant effect in suppressing inf?lammatory pain (P < 0.05) but not neurogenic pain. Conclusions: Hence our study shows anti-inf?lammatory and peripheral analgesic action for DRK.

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