Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 14978

Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy received 14978 citations as per google scholar report

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Department of Pharmacology, Dr. MK Shah Medical College and Research Center, Gujarat, India


  • Original Article   
    Prescribing Trends in Cardiovascular Conditions: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Study
    Author(s): Nilay Solanki*, Varsha Patel and Riddhi Patel


    Aim: To study prescribing trends for the cardiovascular condition at a multispecialty hospital. Methods: The Prospective observational study was conducted in cardiovascular conditions in all age population for the period of eight months. Study-related data was collected in Case record form. Data analysis was done by evaluating trends of drug usage. Results: Two Hundred cases were registered and evaluated, out of that 126 were male and 74 were female cases. The mean age range for patients was 59.62 ± 11.61 years. In case of Hypertension 90 cases were registered (45%) and 53 (26.5%) cases for coronary artery disease, while 37(18.5%) patients were reported with Congestive heart failure (CHF). Patients of coronary artery disease with congestive heart failure (CHF) were 23 (11.5%). In our study Clopidogrel and aspiri.. Read More»