Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 16585

Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy received 16585 citations as per google scholar report

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Department of Pediatrics, Government Medical College, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India


  • Original Article   
    Neuroimaging, electroencephalography, response to treatment and outcome in children with status epilepticus in a tertiary care hospital
    Author(s): Ahmad B*, Qadir W and Khurshid A


    Background and Objectives: Status epilepticus (SE) is a pediatric neurological emergency which if not managed promptly, may result in significant neuro-morbidity and mortality. Our aim was to study the Neuro-imaging, Electroencephalography (EEG), response to treatment and outcome in children with SE. Methods: It was an observational study conducted in post graduate Department of Pediatrics, Government Medical College, Srinagar. All patients between one month and 18 years who were admitted in PICU with SE constituted the study population. Treatment was given according to the standardized protocol followed in the hospital. Lorazepam, Phenytoin, valproate, Phenobarbitone, levetiracetam and midazolam infusion were given intravenous in that sequential order to control SE. Neuro-imaging and Electroencephalography were done after controlling SE. Outc.. Read More»